I will be attending the following wedding fairs throughout September. Make sure you come along to receive your £100.00 discount voucher.
The Essex Wedding Show 4th & 5th Sep:
I will be exhibiting at The Essex Wedding Show in Brentwood next weekend the 4th & 5th of September. Please come along to find out what we have to offer. All those that collect a voucher from this fair will be entitled to a £100.00 discount. Although we will only be promoting our wedding video side of the company at this fair I will be booking appointments to show you my wedding photography sample albums. If you do attend the fair please use the following code to activate your discount voucher: EWS2010. See you there.The Park Inn Grays Wedding Fair 12th September:
I will be exhibiting at The Park inn Hotel in Grays on Sunday the 12th of September. Please come along to find out what we have to offer. All those that collect a voucher from this fair will be entitled to a £100.00 discount. We will be promoting both our wedding video and photography at this fair. so you will have the opportunity to ask questions, view albums and video footage. If you do attend the fair please use the following code to activate your discount voucher: PI2010. See you there.Mersea Island Wedding Fair 19th September:
I will be delivering discount vouchers to the wedding fair held on the 19th September on Mersea island. Please use the following code to activate the voucher and receive a £100.00 discount: MI2010Prested Hall Wedding Fair 26th September:
I will be exhibiting both photography and videography at the stunning venue of Prested hall on the 26th September. Please make sure you come along to view sample albums, videos and ask any questions you may have. You will also pick up a £100.00 discount voucher. To activate this voucher [lease use the following code: PH2010