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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

New video uploaded

Hi all,
i have just uploaded a new sample video for viewing. To view please go to the website home page, click on the video highlights button and proceed through to the vimeo site of our website.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

New video uploaded

A new video sample has been uploaded to the Paul Hubbard Video part of the website. To access please go to the home page and click on video highlights.

Samantha & Paul 20th November 2010 @ Boreham House

Hi all,
Another fantastic wedding to have the pleasure of filming. The day took place at Boreham House with the marque in the gardens. The weather was good for the time of year and a great atmosphere surrounded the day. Always a pleasure working at such fantastic venues. Good luck for the future Sam and Paul.

You will be able to view highlights of this wedding soon via the Paul Hubbard Video part of the website. Please go back to the home page and click on video highlights.

Friday, 19 November 2010

New video upload

i have just uploaded a new sample clip on the Paul Hubbard Video site. To access this please go to the website home page, click on the video highlights tab and press the button once this page opens.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Wedding open day @ The White Hart Grest Yeldham Sunday 14th November 2010

I will be at the wedding open day on Sunday at the White Hart in Great Yeldham. I will be exhibiting video only on the day but i will be making appointments to show my sample albums. If you collect a voucher from the fair please use the following code to activate it: WH2010. See you there.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Gemma & Russell 6th November 2010 @ The Reid Rooms

This wedding was photographed by myself and filmed by Tony and what a wedding it was. The weather was more like September than November blue sky and not too cold. Fantastic atmosphere and setting for what was a fantastic day. i have to say the speeches were some of the best and both myself and Tony had a great time covering the day for you. I will post a selection of images on this page in the next few days. To help Gemma win the Bride of The Month competition please leave your comments below relating to the day and our performance.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Wedding Fair 7th November 2010 Cressing Temple

I will be exhibiting at Cressing Temple this Sunday for both photography and video. Anybody who attends will be able to view up to date sample images, albums and videos. You will also receive a special voucher. If you do receive the voucher the code to activate it is CT2010.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Wedding open day Park Inn Grays 4th November 2010

As a recommended supplier I will be exhibiting both my photography and video at the Park Inn in Grays later today. Anyone who attends will be entitled to a special voucher. Please use the following code to activate the voucher: PI22010.

3rd November Alex & Stuart @ Newland Hall

Another great day for us at this wedding we were filming only. Luckily the weather held off even though it threatened to rain during the group photographs. The day light held out and the venue looked spectacular with lots of details all over the marque. The first dance was carried out to live music which always works well for video. Great day and good luck for the future Alex & Stuart.

Bride of The Month competition for September 2010

There was no winner for the Bride of The Month competition for September. Good luck to all the brides for the October competition.